The Big Ideas:
Main idea
Central idea
- Compound and complex sentences
“I Can" Statements:
I can identify the main idea and supporting details by asking important questions during reading.
I can use a variety of sentences in writing.
I can identify the central idea and supporting details in a text.
- 7.RL.2.2
- 7.RN.3.2
- 7.RN.2.2
Main idea
Central idea
Text structures
“I Can" Statements:
I can identify and explain the main idea in a work of literature.
I can analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text.
I can identify and explain the central idea in a given text.
The Big Ideas:
Main idea / central idea
Text structure
Paragraph structure
“I Can" Statemens:
I can tie the main idea of a text together with its supporting details.
I can identify the central idea in a given text.
I can analyze the structure in a given text.